Free Ebooks Download | Spread Spectrum Sourcebook | It is safe to say that amateur spread spectrum exists because of one unique entity-the Amateur Radio Research and Development Corporation. Based in the Washington, DC area, AMRAD played a key role in the development of amateur packet radio in the early 1980s, and is continuing to lead the way in the realm of amateur spread spectrum. Its members are dedicated to furthering the Amateur Radio art, and their accomplishments speak for themselves. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that this book be edited by long-time AMRAD President Andre Kesteloot, N4ICK. He has done as much as anyone to spread the word about the intriguing intricacies-and very real benefits-that spread spectrum systems hold for the amateur service.
The League is proud to be associated with AMRAD's efforts to bring practical spread- spectrum systems to the amateur bands. This book brings together articles, papers and documents that provide an overview of how amateur spread spectrum evolved from a short notice in the AMRAD Newsletter. This newsletter provided the bulk of the early material on spread spectrum, but it wasn't long before QST and its then-new experimenter's newsletter, QEX, took up the cause. Nearly all the spread spectrum articles published in those three sources are reprinted in this book, as are the regulatory documents that made spread spectrum legal on the amateur bands. Toward the end of the book, two ground-breaking technical papers are published in their entirety. Overall, the book leaves little doubt that it's only a matter of time before the spread spectrum techniques become well established in the amateur service.